Friday, July 12, 2013

Zimmerman & True Colors

Tomorrow the verdict may be given to George Zimmerman in the murder trial of Trayvon Martin. Regardless of the outcome, there is only guarantee--my sadness for the state of this country and embarrassment towards our illustrious news organizations will only increase. There simply will be no winner. Of the four possible verdicts, there is only less-painful options. As I continue to observe strict right and left leaning websites, I'm amazed at the inability of our nation (for the most part) to simply assess a situation like this and leave both racial bias and political views on the sidelines.

The OJ Simpson trial seems like a century ago but here we are again. I remember watching in awe as the verdict was passed in the OJ trial. I was in an airport when the verdict was passed and I remember cameras panning to a crowd of blacks cheering, and then to a different location where a crowd of whites were in shock, some crying. This is how I envisioned the racially charged America of 50 years ago, but alas, it was 1995. I asked it then, and I'll ask it now - what exactly were the blacks so happy about? What exactly were whites so upset about? I suspect tomorrow, you'll see more of the same. Ok, let's advance 18 years; surely we've progressed as a nation.

No, we have not.

If you are one who discounts how much our media outlets control this country, this trial should be a firm reminder......if you so choose to see it. From the first instance that the news agencies decided to make race the main issue regarding this tragic event, I felt for this country, and George. If you're instantly disgusted with me for feeling sorry for George, you may already be programmed to take a side wihtout analysis, please read on.

It will be easy to look back on this case after the verdict but remember--please remember--that many people chose a side from day-1 and have not changed their stance since. Why? Because this country is torn apart by political bias, zero ability to assess a situation while analyzing facts, and severe racial bias. Apparently the proverbial Democratic Instructional Manual now clearly states that if you have a (D) in front of your name, you are more able to understand the black race. The left had this case figured out before George even caught his breath from the scuffle that night on 26 February, 2012. The right has put a campaign together in an attempt to drown out the left while portraying George as a victim--a victim of both media bias as well as a victim in this case. To watch the (R)'s spin this case and pick apart each word spoken in that court room is humorous at best. Both sides should be ashamed but then again; this is now the standard by which we receive news. This endless circle is all too common and the broadcasting tactics are as predictable as the sun rising in the east. This case, like all politics will never be good for the populace as we care nothing of the person(s) involved. We're simply more concerned about votes, race bating, and glamorizing victimization. In addition, each time this occurs, we take many more steps backwards towards racial angst then we ever made going forward. It's OK though, Al Sharpton will be there to ensure there is a clear divide based strictly on the color of your skin. If you don't feel victimized as a black American, talk to Al, he'll straighten you out. You'll hear from him no less than 2 minutes after the verdict is given, I'm holding my breath. Just as much as I'm holding my breath to see how Fox News will spin the verdict.

If you're wondering why I'm saddened, it is because in the world of social media, global communications, smart phones, and tablets, it is simply impossible to not have an opinion on the subject prior to choosing a jury of peers. Match those facts up with a nauseatingly biased news organizations and we have problems. Our own president clearly chose a side on March 23rd - a mere 26 days after the incident. The sadness I feel can quickly turn to anger if you fully understand the implications of exactly how troubling it is that your fate can now be in the hands of media outlets. Let that sink in for just a second.

Have you asked yourself, 'why this case'? There are thousands of homicides - clear, cold-case homicides performed throughout America annually. Which one does the media choose to push forward with all its might? A white American shoots a black American in white-suburban America. Damn, that's an easy year+ of drama fit for the likes of the Jerry Springer show. This sells, and you're buying it. I am not and I would ask that you do not. Stop and really think about where we're headed as a Nation when the media is this biased. Is there any way to turn back or are we too far down that track? Could I just ask for a news agency to report news, maybe report a good story of patriotism, volunteerism, heroics.......anything? I volunteer.

I wish you luck tomorrow America. Unfortunately there is no good outcome. Remember OJ was innocent but promised to find the 'real killer'.

Anomalous Analysis

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